Welcome to Niels Joubert's CS184 Page
I have the pleasure of taking CS184 this semester, and as part of our setup assignment we were asked to put up a website for the class. Always ready for some hacking, I scripted up a page in PHP and found this sweet-looking template online and BAM, here we are. I believe many cool things will follow, most of which will go up on this site as a type of portfolio of the work we do during the semester. Shaders, Ray Tracers and Modelling will hopefully feature prominently on this page, especially towards the end of Spring 2008. For now, enjoy the whitespace!
About Me
I was born in South Africa, where I grew up during the last trembling echoes of the totalitarian Apartheids regime. I never fought lions with my bare hands, but I had to access the internet through dial-up until I moved to the USA. I believe the world, and all that is in it, is my subject of study.